As the weather gets colder and there are less greens at the farmer’s market, grow sprouts or microgreens at home to add fresh ingredients to your diet. I’m not talking about moldy sprouts grown in water! I’m enjoying growing sprouts in rich soil right in my kitchen and loving eating them in my salads and smoothies - getting all of the wonderful health benefits on a daily basis even in winter.
Sprouted sunflower greens (H. annuus), also known as microgreens, are not only delicious, but they are also quite nutritious being rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B particularly the B complex vitamin folate. Folate is a necessary B vitamin for pregnant women, needed to ensure proper development of the baby’s nervous system. Both sunflower seeds and their sprouts contain high amounts of vitamin E which works with vitamin C and selenium to reduce blood pressure, increase the elasticity of arteries and prevent heart disease.
Boost your antioxidant capacity with important phenolic compounds as well as various flavonoids contained in the sprouts. Minerals in sunflower sprouts include calcium, iron, magnesium, niacin, zinc, selenium, potassium and phosphorus.
The sprouted greens contain between 20-25% protein including all essential amino acids and are high in natural enzymes making its protein and other phytonutrients easier to digest and assimilate.
Sunflower seeds and especially their sprouts also provide a source of the nutrients lecithin, carotene, choline, and fiber. Lecithin is an important nutrient for breaking down fatty acids, like the Omega-3's, from the foods we eat to effectively utilize them. Lecithin keeps our joints, tendons and bones healthy and strong. Choline is a component of lecithin and a nutritionally important precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is vital to nerve and muscle function and needed for proper liver metabolism.
All sprouts, including sunflower sprouts are full of chlorophyll – the same substance which makes plants turn green. In human beings, this one constituent keeps our blood healthy, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system, revitalizes tissues, and balances pH levels in the body.
Their sweet taste and hearty texture make them a great addition to any salad, sandwich or smoothie. Give it a try…they are so easy to grow! The growing process takes about 1 week.
Follow these instructions and click on the links for suggested materials.
Soak ¾ c organic black oil sunflower seeds in water overnight.
Spread about 2 inches of soil in two 10x10 inch trays with holes (you will need at least 3).
Pour seeds over soil and spread evenly. Set 2nd tray of soil on top of tray with seeds. Place this in a large 10x20 inch tray without holes.

Cut to harvest the sprouts before the second set of leaves open. Wash, dry and store in green bags for up to 2 weeks. With the 10x20 tray, you can grow two trays of sprouts at a time. The soil should not be reused so I pour it into my compost bin.
They are ready to add to your favorite raw salad or veggie dish, sandwich, smoothie or green drink!
Happy Growing!